
  • Project,  Total filler

    Up in flames

    It’s taken a couple weeks but I’ve gotten through more than 50% of my storage space. While the first cuts were fairly easy, they got progressively harder. To move the process along, I asked myself one question: If the basement went up in flames, what would I be upset to lose? I couldn’t thing of anything except for one drawing from art school. I realized I keep a lot of things because I feel like I should, not because I want to. I should chuck it all right now! But release is a process and I’m tackling one Christmas colored storage bin at a time. Here’s what else I’ve learned:…

  • Project,  Total filler

    This Old Basement

    My “Skeletons in the Basement” post kicked off the official dig out of my storage room. My next step is to basically keep it going by pulling things out every week or every few days, asking: Do I need/use this? Do I still want this? Could someone else use it? If so, should I sell it, give it away or donate it? It’s pretty simple even though when I look at the mass of things, I feel overwhelmed. This weekend, I focused on re-using the things I still want. I found a neat basket I got at Ikea a long time ago. It used to stick inside my kitchen cabinet…

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  • Project,  Total filler

    Skeletons in the Basement

    Over the past 20 years, I’ve done a pretty good job of keeping my belongings to a minimum. I’ve been limited by small apartments and by not having a spare parental garage or childhood room to store yearbooks, old costumes, pictures, etc. In these 20 years, I’ve moved 10 times. 10 complete disruptions. 10 sets of 100 reps of “do I really need this…?” As much as I have pared down, I still have SO MUCH. Nearly every day, I battle the density of my closet to find clothes. And just last week, I bought something new only to find the exact item buried in storage. This was my bottom.…

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